Our Services

  • In-Studio RMT Treatment

    Healing made easy.

    We bring our clinic, to you!

    We will arrive at your studio ready to assist your students, staff, dance moms and dance dads.

    While we are at your studio, we are able to provide a full range of assessments and treatments including:

    • Myofascial Cupping

    • Joint Mobilization

    • Postural Assessment and Alignment

    • Detailed Remedial Exercise to Improve Tissue and Joint Health and Funtion

    • Relaxation/Stress-Relief

    • Breathwork Coaching

    • Assessment, Treatment, Preventative Approaches to Managing Injury

    We use an “open door” format where treatments are provided with patients wearing sports attire/activewear in either a public or semi-private space in your studio.

    Don't hesitate to contact us for more details and availability. We are always happy to help!

  • Dance Teacher Education

    Your students will love learning all the new hacks their teachers will have to offer!

    Our evidence-based training methods will refresh and deepen your staff’s understanding of how the body moves while safeguarding students from injury.

    It is essential that dance educators clearly understand the anatomy behind the movements they are asking their students to perform. For this reason, we will ensure that teachers gain a fundamental understanding of human anatomy as it pertains to dance, and how to maximize performance based on the newest research available.

    We work alongside your dance educators to create highly effective, evidence-based conditioning programs that promote excellent technique and biomechanics, increase performance, and reduce the risk of injury.

    We are passionate about giving every dance teacher and student the tools they need to help them reach their unique goals safely and joyfully.

    Train smarter, not harder.

“Dance is freedom, expression, a universal language. After 35 years in dance (and many unnecessary injuries) I became an RMT to help progress and extend the careers of dancers at every level of their training. The only thing I love more than dance itself is this healing work.”

– Kay